
Versions: [2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.2.7]


Download        : docker pull ghcr.io/autamus/pumi
Compressed Size : 87MB


SCOREC RPI’s Parallel Unstructured Mesh Infrastructure (PUMI). An efficient distributed mesh data structure and methods to support parallel adaptive analysis including general mesh-based operations, such as mesh entity creation/deletion, adjacency and geometric classification, iterators, arbitrary (field) data attachable to mesh entities, efficient communication involving entities duplicated across multiple tasks, migration of mesh entities between tasks, and dynamic load balancing.


Pull (Download)

To download the latest version of pumi run,

docker pull ghcr.io/autamus/pumi:latest

or to download a specific version of pumi run,

docker pull ghcr.io/autamus/pumi:2.2.5


To run the container as an application run,

docker run --rm ghcr.io/autamus/pumi pumi --version

or to run the container in an interactive session run,

docker run -it --rm ghcr.io/autamus/pumi bash

Mounting volumes between the container and your machine

To access files from your machine within the pumi container you’ll have to mount them using the -v external/path:internal/path option.

For example,

docker run -v ~/Documents/Data:/Data ghcr.io/autamus/pumi pumi /Data/myData.csv

which will mount the ~/Documents/Data directory on your computer to the /Data directory within the container.


If you’re looking to use this container in an HPC environment we recommend using Singularity-HPC to use the container just as any other module on the cluster. Check out the SHPC pumi container here.