
Versions: [5.1.0, 5.1.1]


Download        : docker pull
Compressed Size : 34MB


If you are like many computer users, you would frequently like to make changes in various text files wherever certain patterns appear, or extract data from parts of certain lines while discarding the rest. To write a program to do this in a language such as C or Pascal is a time-consuming inconvenience that may take many lines of code. The job is easy with awk, especially the GNU implementation: gawk. The awk utility interprets a special-purpose programming language that makes it possible to handle simple data-reformatting jobs with just a few lines of code.


Pull (Download)

To download the latest version of gawk run,

docker pull

or to download a specific version of gawk run,

docker pull


To run the container as an application run,

docker run --rm gawk --version

or to run the container in an interactive session run,

docker run -it --rm bash

Mounting volumes between the container and your machine

To access files from your machine within the gawk container you’ll have to mount them using the -v external/path:internal/path option.

For example,

docker run -v ~/Documents/Data:/Data gawk /Data/myData.csv

which will mount the ~/Documents/Data directory on your computer to the /Data directory within the container.


If you’re looking to use this container in an HPC environment we recommend using Singularity-HPC to use the container just as any other module on the cluster. Check out the SHPC gawk container here.